Yingzhi Vera Gu
Time: 2016-02-28   Visits: 483

Ms Yingzhi Vera Gu


Teaching associate for Translation Studies - School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, Monash University.

Professional conference interpreter and translator (2010-2015)

Academic Degrees:

Candidate of Doctor of Philosophy (Monash University). Research Topic: investigating spoken voice training for interpreting students;Research interests:conference interpreting , community interpreting, interpreting teaching methodology

MasterofConferenceInterpreting (MacquarieUniversity)– Awarded 2010.

Masterof Translating andInterpreting Studies (RoyalMelbourneInstituteofTechnology) – Awarded 2009.

Advanced Diploma of Translating and Interpreting (RoyalMelbourneInstituteofTechnology) – Awarded 2008.

Bachelor of English Linguistics and Literature (ShanghaiInternationalStudiesUniversity)– Awarded 2001.

Bachelorof ForeignTrade (ShanghaiInstituteof ForeignTrade) – Awarded 1999

Other Qualifications:

Professional Level Translator (in the English and Chinese languages, both language directions) – National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) – Awarded 2009.

Professional Level Interpreter (Between the English and Mandarin Languages, both language directions) – Awarded 2010

CertificateIVin Training and Assessment (Box Hill TAFE) – Awarded 2012         

Completion of theCertificateof Professional DevelopmentPrograminSecond Language Teaching MethodologyforTeachers inEthnicSchools (RMITUniversity) - Awarded 2007

Certificateof TeachingChineseas aSecond Language (Fu Dan University)-Awarded 2000

Certificateof Teaching English as aSecond Language (ShanghaiEducationCenter)-Awarded 2000

Courses Taught  as Part of Monash/SEU Double MITS (2013-2015):

Advanced Interpreting (APG5690)