Tianni Luo
Time: 2016-03-03   Visits: 351

Basic information

Tianni Luo

Tel: 86-25-52090800

Email: ltn009@126.com

Address: School Library, SEU, 2 Southeast University Road, Nanjing

Research Interest

Luo has been engaged in the research of translation between Chinese and English for more than 25 years. Her current research interests include: theories and practice of translation, discourse analysis and pragmatic translation. She has published 15 papers on CSSCI and other national key periodicals. She won prizes for achievements in teaching in 1999, 2001, 2008 and 2013. She also worked from 2000 to 2010 as the English editor for the Journal of Southeast University Philosophy and Social Science.

Recent Research Project:

1.Southeast University Postgraduate Education Project (985 Program), grant number: XJGKT12-08,“Construction and Application of Comparable Corpus on English Introduction of Chinese Enterprises”.

2.Jiangsu Social Science Program, grant number: 11YYB004, “Research on C-E Translation of Official Publicity Materials”.

Biographical Information

Luo was born in Nanjing in 1963. She got her B. A. in Foreign Languages and Literature from Nanjing University in 1984, and M. A. in Theory and Practice of Translation from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1991. From 1984 to 1988 she worked in Nanjing University as an English teacher. Since 1991 she has been teaching translation in the English Department of Southeast University.

Selected Publications

1.T. Lin,T. Luo*,On C-E Translation of Conference Notice from Perspective of Register,Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science),Dec. 2014 Vol. 16 Supplement

2.Q. Li,T. Luo*,Problems of Tourism Websites Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie, Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science),Dec.2012 Vol.14 Supplement

3.T. Luo*,A comparison of connective relations between English and Chinese sentences and their translation, Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science), Mar. 2008 Vol.10 No.2

4.T. Luo*,On sentence group as unit of translation in Chinese-English translation, Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science), M ay 2006 Vol.8 No.3

5.T. Luo*,Degree of Understanding and Faithfulness of Translation — on the Aspects of Understanding in C-E Translation, Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science), May. 2001 Vol. 3 No. 2

6.X. Wu,T. Luo*,Napoleon’s Pyramids(Translation),Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House,2010