Literary Translation
Time: 2016-02-28   Visits: 597

I.Course Introduction (including teaching goals and requirements)

Targeted at candidates for the Master of Arts degree in English Language and Literature, this course aims to provide theoretical knowledge and and practical skills in literary translation. It is designed to be an academic training course to promote the students’ ability to interpret and translate literary texts.

Upon the completion of this course, students are required to

(1) understand basic points of literary translation such as its nature and standard.

(2) know well how to interpret literary texts and produce better translated versions.

(3) learn how to translate different genres of literary works(including essays,short stories and poems).

II.Teaching Syllabus (including the content of chapters and sections)

Chapter 1  Basic Points in Literary Translation (including translation exercises, 6credit hours)

Chapter 2  Preparations for Literary Translation (including translation exercises, 6credit hours)

Chapter 3  Interpretation of Literary Texts (including translation exercises, 6credit hours)

Chapter 4  Creation of Translated Versions (including translation exercises, 6credit hours)

Chapter 5  Later Work for Literary Translation (including translation exercises, 6credit  hours)

Chapter 6  Translation of Essays (including translation exercises, 6credit hours)

Chapter 7  Translation of Short Stories (including translation exercises, 6credit hours)

Chapter 8  Translation of Poems (including translation exercises, 6 credit hours)

Chapter 9  Introduction of Current Research in Literary Translation(3 credit hours)

Chapter 10 Summary(an overall review of the course, 3 credit hours)

III.Teaching Schedule


Course Content

Teaching Method


Definition,Standard and   Process of Literary Translation

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Preparations for Literary   Translation

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Interpretation of Literary   Texts

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Creation of Translated   Versions

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Later Work for Literary   Translation

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Translation of Essays

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Translation of Short   Stories

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Translation of Poems

Lecture & Seminar


Critical Analysis of   Classical Translations

Lecture & Seminar


Introduction of Current   Research in Literary Translation






1.Above one, two, and three items are used as teaching Syllabus in Chinese and announced on the Chinese website of Graduate School. The four and five items are preserved in Graduate School.

2. Course terms: Spring, Autumn , and Spring-Autumn term. 

3. The teaching languages for courses: Chinese, English or Chinese-English.

4.Applicable range of discipline: public, first-class discipline, second-class discipline, and third-class discipline.

5. Practice includes: experiment, investigation, research report, etc.

6. Teaching methods: lecture, seminar, practice, etc.

7. Examination for degree courses must be in paper.

8. Teaching material websites are those which have already been announced.

9. Brief introduction of chief lecturer should include: personal information (date of birth, gender, degree achieved, professional title), research direction, teaching and research achievements. (within 100-500 words)