Topics in Translation and Interpreting |
Time: 2016-02-28 Visits: 1009 |
I. Course Introduction (including teaching goals and requirements) This is a seminar course. According to the overall arrangements of teaching and the actual needs of students, a number of professors and lecturers with both international communication and translation experiences will form a team to introduce some key subjects and topics concerning translation and interpreting in the form of seminars and lectures. The subjects and topics include professionalism of foreign affairs personnel, professional spirit, the etiquette of professional translators, trade and other non-literary translation practice, interpreting practice, localization and translation project management. II. Teaching Syllabus This is a seminar course, which is based on the overall arrangements of teaching and the actual needs of students, of translation and interpreting in the form of seminars and lectures. Therefore, a number of professors and lecturers with both international communication and translation experiences will form a team to introduce some key subjects and topics concerning translation and interpreting. The main purpose of this course is to integrate and improve. Integrating means different seminars constitute an organic curriculum structure; improving means that the various seminar topics are not limited to the original knowledge of the course and the training and improvement of micro skills, but, more importantly, to help students broaden their horizons on a higher platform, to resolve the gap between theory and practice fundamentally, to achieve a higher level of capacity and improvement. The course mainly takes the form of lectures and seminars, focusing on students' active participation. So it will be delivered once a week, interspersed with students’ own discussion, practice, summarizing and report during class, creating more enlightened and practicing opportunities for students. The subjects include professionalism of foreign affairs personnel, professional spirit, the etiquette of professional translators, trade and other non-literary translation practice, interpreting practice, localization and translation project management. Given the fact that the team of lecturers includes internal professors and practitioners with both international communication and translation experiences, they will offer the different thematic seminars independently, and the final curriculum assessment will take the form of a written summary or a short essay (3000 words or more in length) after each lecture. Each paper is marked in percentile score, and the course score is the average score of the summary reports at the end of the term. III. Teaching Schedule:
Note: 1.Above one, two, and three items are used as teaching Syllabus in Chinese and announced on the Chinese website of Graduate School. The four and five items are preserved in GraduateSchool. 2. Course terms: Spring, Autumn , and Spring-Autumn term. 3. The teaching languages for courses: Chinese, English or Chinese-English. 4.Applicable range of discipline: public, first-class discipline, second-class discipline, and third-class discipline. 5. Practice includes: experiment, investigation, research report, etc. 6. Teaching methods: lecture, seminar, practice, etc. 7. Examination for degree courses must be in paper. 8. Teaching material websites are those which have already been announced. 9. Brief introduction of chief lecturer should include: personal information (date of birth, gender, degree achieved, professional title), research direction, teaching and research achievements. (within 100-500 words) |