Advanced Interpreting
Time: 2016-02-28   Visits: 233


Upon successful completion of this unit, students should:

have achieved a high level of competency to be able to provide LOTE-English / English-LOTE consecutive interpreting and sight translations in general areas and some specialised areas;

have achieved an adequate level of competency to be able to be able to interpret passages that are delivered  at professional settings, and are of moderate to high levels of difficulty; 

have achieved the knowledge and practical skills needed for professional-level interpreting; and

have achieved a comprehensive understanding of the interpreting profession.


- Class exercises and participation: 10%

- A research project in pair (equivalent of 5000 words) submitted in week 10: 20%

- An “Interpreting Assignments Preparation Journal” submitted in week 12: 10%

- Mid-semester examinations (speech and dialogue interpreting in consecutive and sight translation) week 6: 15%

- Final interpreting examination (dates to be confirmed): 45%

Contact hours

Students have 6 contact hours per week, consisting of one 2 hour seminar and two 2 hour workshops. They are also expected to complete 18 hours of self-study.