Applied Translation
Time: 2016-02-28   Visits: 228

In this unit students will develop an understanding and acquire knowledge on theoretical tools used in Translation Studies. The unit will provide students with the opportunity to analyse discourse features of the original text and compare and contrast them with the translated version. The unit also aims to develop the student's ability to translate texts of increasing levels of complexity and expertise in a variety of textual genres.

The unit combines a weekly seminar with language-specific tutorials in which students will be introduced to translation and translating in a variety of different environments. This unit includes translation assignments involving the practical application of theoretical insights.

This unit will focus on translation from English into Chinese.


Upon successful completion of the unit, students will be able to:

  1. identify the problems different text genres pose for translation

  2. translate a variety of document genres by applying critical insights from translation theory and methodology

  3. access, translate and return Web-based documents

  4. use suitable strategies to create texts in the target language

  5. identify and analyse ethical issues as they relate to the interpreting and translation industry.

Unit Coordinator

Dr   Thomas Chase

Semester of offering


Contact hours description

(x1)   two hour seminar and (x1) two hour workshop per week




Seminars are scheduled for Monday morning at 9 am.  Workshops will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 1 pm.


If you require consultation, please email your lecturer to make an appointment.


The core component is divided into 12 seminars of 2 hours duration. Seminars are delivered in English and students are expected to have thoroughly read the reading material set for each week. The knowledge acquired in this section of the unit will be applied in:

a) workshop translation exercises

b) assessed translation tasks, and

c) the final exam.


Workshops start in week 2 with the workshop translation exercises beginning in the same week. Workshop translation exercises must be completed every week and should be accessed from the class email account. Students should prepare their exercises (including a critical commentary on the translation process) as well as any questions/problems for discussion in the workshop. Workshop translation exercises are not formally assessed, however they will undergo a process of peer assessment.  Completion of workshop translation exercises will contribute to the class participation mark. 


Aside from the weekly workshop translation tasks, students will also submit two assessed translation tasks over the course of the semester.  These will be due in Week 6 and Week 10.  The content of these tasks will reflect topics covered during the course of the semester and will be assessed according to two main criteria: (a) process (i.e. the student’s reflection on the process of translating the text) and (b) product (i.e. the accuracy and professionalism of the translation).

Tasks must be downloaded from the class email account.  They will be made available one week before the due date (Sunday 9 pm) and submitted via email before the same time the following week. 

The assessed translation must be submitted together with the Integrated Translator’s Diary (ITD), three drafts translations that show successive changes made to each translation and a copy of the Translation Evaluation Grid.  As part of the ITD, students are expected to report on problems, actions and decisions made in the translation process, undertake research (e.g. access parallel texts), and revision/proof-reading the translation before submission.


The final exam forms part of the overall assessment of the unit. Students are asked to complete written translations of two passages of 250 words or equivalent length each from English into Chinese.  The passages will be from two different subject areas. Both translations as well as two theoretical questions will be completed in one sitting of 3 hours plus 15 minutes reading time.

Late Work Policy

For all assignments handed in after the due date and without an agreed extension, a five percent penalty applies for the first day of the missed deadline. After that, a subsequent penalty of 2% per day will be applied for the next thirteen calendar days after the due date (including Saturdays and Sundays).

No assignment can be accepted after more than fourteen calendar days except in exceptional circumstances and in consultation with your lecturer or tutor. If students face a significant illness or serious issue, it may be that Special Consideration is warranted. See:

Complaints, Grievances and Misconduct Policy and Procedures

ASSESSMENT dates (Please write them down in your diary)


Release Date + Due Date


Week 6

Released:   9.00 pm, 05/04/2015

Due:   9.00 pm, 12/04/2015

Assessed   Translation Task 1

Week   10

Released:   9.00 pm, 10/05/2015

Due:   9.00 pm, 17/05/2015

Assessed   Translation Task 2

Week 14


Please note that you are required to complete every assessment task included in the above outline.

Evaluation Breakdown

Assessed Translation   Task 1


Assessed Translation   Task 2




Final Exam


