Cheng Junyu



*Junyu Cheng ( Associate Professor)


* Chinese


* B.Sc. (EST), East China University of Chemical Technology, 1988

Postgraduate Diploma(AppliedLinguistics), Zhe Jiang University, 1993

MA.(L2 Materials Evaluation & Development), University of Luton, UK. 1996

Ph.D. ( Management Science & Engineering), Southeast University, 2010


* Coordinator of Testing Center, School of Foreign Languages Southeast University Nanjing, CHINA


* Language Testing

* Applied Linguistics

* L2 Materials Evaluation & Development

* Knowledge Management

* English for Specific Purposes


I have worked in Southeast University as an English teacher since 1988.

1988.7---1991.4 Teaching Assistant

1991.5---2001.3 Lecturer 

2001.4---Present Associate Professor


College English (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing)

Language Testing for MA students

IELTS Training Course (Listening)



1.Cheng, J. & Yuan, J. (2016) A rater effects study based on Multi-Facets Rasch Model: A case study on finalist of a junior English contest. Foreign Language Testing and Teaching, 21:32-38.

2.Cheng, J., & Matthews, J. (2016). The relationship between three measures of L2 vocabulary knowledge and L2 listening and reading. Language Testing.(Published online)

3.Matthews, J., Cheng, J., & O’Toole, J.M., (2015). Computer-mediated input, output and feedback in the development of L2 word recognition from speech. ReCALL, 27, 321-339.

4.Matthews, J., & Cheng, J.(2015). Recognition of high frequency words from speech as a predictor of L2 listening comprehension. System 52,1-13.

5.O’Toole, J.M., Cheng, J., & O’Toole, G. ( 2015 ). An enduring lens for a continuing problem: Close analysis of conceptually scored Cloze items. Language Testing in Asia . 2015, 5:7

6.Cheng, J., Matthews, J., & O’Toole, J.M. (2015). Fluency: a critically important yet undervalued dimension of L2 vocabulary knowledge in Q. Zhang and H. Yang (eds.), Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2014 Conference Proceedings (pp99-114). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

7.Cheng, J., Jing, N. & Hu, H. (2010). Research on the Relationship between Quality Planning, Knowledge Process and New Product Development Performance. Soft Science. Vol.24/4: 11-14.

8.Cheng, J., Hu, H. & Zang, B. (2009). Forming Mechanism of Investment Cycle of Electricity Generation and Its Risk Prevention. )Journal of Hohai University ( Philosophy and Social Sciences ) Vol. 11/2: 59-67.

9.Cheng, J. & Hu, H. (2005). “Development of Enterprises’ Capability Based on Cooperative Knowledge Network”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3327:187-194.

10.Qi, X., Hu, M. & Cheng, J.,(2005).“A review of knowledge capital measurement theory in western countries”. Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science). Vol. 7, No. 6: 42-45.

11.Cheng, J. (2002). “An introduction to Communicative Language Teaching”. Jiangsu Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 2002/2:10-13.


12.Cheng, J. ( 2010).  Knowledge Creation and Organizational Growth.Nanjing: Southeast University Press.

13.710 Practice Tests for CET VI. (2008). Shanghai: East China University of Science and Technology Press (Chief editor).

14.710 Practice Tests for CET IV. (2006). Shanghai: East China University of Science and Technology Press (Chief editor).

15.Challenge 710 CET IV. (2006). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press(Chief editor).

16.CET IV Guide and Practice Tests.Nanjing: Southeast University Press  (Chief editor).

17.IELTS Strategies and Practice Tests. (2002). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (co-author).

18.Textbook: New Science English. (1997). Beijing: Higher Education Press (co-author).

19.Teacher’s Guide: New Science English. (1997). Beijing: Higher Education Press (co-author).


1.2017,08-now, University-based Testing Syllabus for Graded English Proficiency, funded by Southeast University.

2.2014,09-2015,08,The contribution of phonological and orthographic vocabulary size on L2 listening and reading, funded by British Council.

3.2008,5-2010,5, A multiple dimension research into learner-centered English teaching materials, funded by Shanghai.

4.2004,10-2005,9, A study on formative assessment in college oral English Teaching, funded by the Ministry of Education.

5.1999,6-2000,5, Test Specifications for College English Teaching, funded by Southeast University.

6.1994,5-1997,6, Sino-British New Science English, funded by British Council.

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