Gong Yang: Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand students in China


At 3:30 pm on July 4, 2020, Dr. Gong Yang, Assistant Professor in Faculty of Education, University of Macau, was invited by the School of Foreign Languages of Southeast University and the Asia-Pacific Language Policy Research Center to hold an online lecture on the theme of “Cultural adaptation challenges and strategies during study abroad: New Zealand students in China”.

Gong Yang is now an assistant professor in University of Macau. He is a cutting-edge leader in the field of International Chinese Language Education, Language Policy, and Teacher Development research. He has published many high-level articles in SSCI journals. His main research directions are Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Cross-cultural Education and Teacher Education.

In the lecture, Professor Gong introduced some current research methods and popular research questions in International Chinese Language Teaching, exchanged the overall structure of SSCI journal articles, and focused on how to collect, interpret, and present data in qualitative research. Finally, Professor Gong answered the questions raised by everyone. The lecture lasted for an hour and a half. Professor Gong's humorous expression and rich research experience made the lecture fascinating. Participants actively exchanged ideas with Professor Gong in the Q&A session and they all benefited a lot.

Reported by Han Yawen

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