主题:Towards the synergy of genre-based and corpus-based approaches to academic writing research, pedagogy and assessment
Developing genre competence for participation in disciplinary genre practices entails development and integration of rhetorical and linguistic knowledge dimensions. For this reason, it is critical that consistent attention is paid to form-function mappings between linguistic forms and rhetorical/communicative functions in academic writing research, pedagogy, and assessment. However, there is an ostensible form-function gap in existing corpus-based and genre-based studies of academic writing (Moreno & Swales, 2018), with their primary focus on either the linguistic features or rhetorical structures of academic writing in isolation rather than the two in tandem. In this talk, I argue for and outline the research agenda of a synergistic framework that integrates corpus-based and genre-based approaches to academic writing research, pedagogy and assessment. I provide an overview of emerging research in the field and my own ongoing research that fit into this framework and discuss the implications of this framework for promoting consistent attention to form-function mappings in academic writing research, pedagogy, and assessment.
陆小飞:教授、博士生导师。美国俄亥俄州立大学语言学博士;现任美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学应用语言学系研究生部主任、教授、博士生导师、广东外语外贸大学云山讲 座教授、中山大学英语水平测试顾问。