6月4日讲座:Advances in functional linguistics: the case of relative clauses(功能语言学的新进展:以关系从句为例)


主题:Advances in functional linguistics: the case of relative clauses(功能语言学的新进展:以关系从句为例)





Both traditional and modern linguistics, including the generative grammar approach, have paid much attention to structures over their functions in grammar, resulting in a structure-centered analysis of various grammatical phenomena. Because grammatical structures differ from one language to another, the past achievements have failed to capture underlying functional unities across grammatical constructions showing structural differences. For example, so-called relative clauses may contain a finite verb in many languages as in English and Mandarin Chinese (e.g. [the book [which I bought]], [[我 买 的]书]), while other languages involve non-finite verb forms, as in Turkish [Opera-yı sev-me-yen]NMLZ kişi-ler] ‘people who do not like opera’ and Quechua [wallpa-ta wayk’u-q]NMLZ warmi]. While all these languages involve special marking in these constructions (the relative pronoun which in English, the particle的in Mandarin, and nominalizers in Turkish and Quechua), many other languages do not have any such special marking, as in Japanese [[Taroo ga kata] hon] ‘the book that Taro bought’ and Toba ʃijaGawa [chigoqchigiña yi Espinillo] ‘the man who came from Espinillo’. This structural diversity poses a challenge for capturing the underlying unity across these different structures that allows us to recognize them as a unified phenomenon and to label all of them as “relative clauses” despite their structural differences. This presentation illustrates how recent advances in functional linguistics can overcome the limitations of traditional structural linguistics and generate grammar by offering a new function-based approach to relative clause constructions in various languages from across the globe, including English, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and many others.


柴谷方良(Masayoshi Shibatani)教授,美国德克萨斯州莱斯大学(Rice University)语言学系教授暨人文学院Deedee McMurtry首席教授。

柴谷方良(Masayoshi Shibatani)教授出生于上海,受教于日本,在加州伯克莱大学期间师从于王士元教授,1973年获得该校语言博士学位。先后任教于南加州大学、科罗拉多大学、神户大学及莱斯大学。曾任日本语言学会会长及美国语言学会荣誉会员评选委员。专长为语言类型学、句法学、日语语言学、南岛语语言学。代表性著作有《致使结构的语言研究》(印第安纳大学出版)及《日本的语言》(剑桥大学出版),编著有《语言类型学方法》(牛津大学出版)、《语法构式:形式与意义》(牛津大学出版)、《致使语法及人际操控》(荷兰本杰明出版)、《句法复杂性》(荷兰本杰明出版)等。近期担任德国徳古意出版社《日语语言及语言学手册》系列丛书(12册)总编辑,另著有国际学术专文百余篇。担任Cognitive Linguistics、Linguistic Typology、Language Science、Journal of East Asian Linguistics、International Review of Chinese Linguistics等诸多国际期刊的编委。
