东南大学外国语学院主办国际学术期刊Frontiers in Asia-Pacific Language and Culture Studies约稿通知


由东南大学外国语学院和日本亚洲国际教育中心共同主办的国际学术期刊Frontiers in Asia-PacificLanguage and Culture Studies(ISSN2436-6463,以下简称“《亚太语言文化研究》”)于2022年正式发布。期刊立足亚太,放眼全球,为国内外学者提供亚太地区语言和文化相关原创性论文的传播与交流平台。该期刊的正式出版,标志着东南大学增添一个学术成果发布、交流的重要国际平台,也是东大精品文科建设的标志性成就。



(文/图 杨波)


Call for Submissions 

  Frontiers in Asia-Pacific Language and Culture Studies (FAPLCS, ISSN2436-6463), sponsored by School of Foreign Languages, Southeast University in association with Japan Asia International Education Center, is a currently CiNii indexed international journal. FAPLCS provides a forum for original research papers, review articles, etc. to promote communication and exchange on studies of language and culture related issues in Asia-Pacific regions and beyond. The subject categories include:

•Language policy and language education

•International and regional studies 

•Translation studies 

•Linguistic studies

•Literature studies

•Culture, arts and international communication

  FAPLCS encourages scholarship of the above categories adopting interdisciplinary and multimethodological approaches. The journal also welcomes proposals for special issues on hot-topics and emerging fields of academic or social significance. The journal is peer-reviewed and accepts full-length (within 10,000 words) original manuscripts submitted in APA (7th ed.) style (https://apastyle.apa.org/instructional-aids/tutorials-webinars). All submissions should be sent to: faplcs_editor@163.com. 

NOTE Submissions must contain the following elements: 

Paper title

Author names and affiliations

Author note: corresponding author’s name, mailing address and email address, and optional information including study registration, data sharing, conflicts of interest disclaimers or statements, acknowledgements of financial support or other assistance





Optional elements: footnotes, tables, figures, appendices, and/or supplemental materials